Monday, August 3, 2009

change of Picture

I changed the pictures on the blog this morning.... I have to admit, I kinda 'disowned' Andy from my blog for a while.... so I had a picture of Freddy & Stephany from March. It was a good one too!
But I decided to let Andy back in 'the fold' of my blog. I couldn't find a real recent picture of the 3 kids together that I really liked, so I posted one from our Virginia Beach vacation a LONG time ago.

Well, as soon as Steph saw it, she DEMANDED I take it off. She is not fond of the picture, don't really know why. So, I played with the idea of leaving it up to aggravate her, but decided to spare her. lol

This is actually one of my favorite pics of them. I enlarged and made it black and white and have it hanging at home. Hopefully, she will like this better!


  1. I actually saw the other one and thought it was cute, don't know what is up with her!!! ;)

  2. Man, I missed it. Tell Steph she is beautiful in all situations!!! This one is wonderful. It's nice to have one of all the kids grown.
