Monday, August 3, 2009

Friends and Cheddars, what could be better!!

Claude's brother was admitted to the hospital last week so he and Sheila are in town. We got them to go to lunch with us after church yesterday and they brought along the Birds with them, which was great!

the girls...

the guys...

It is always wonderful to catch up with old friends (even though Fred & I are the oldest in this group!). How cool is God to allow us to stay friends with folks whose paths have taken them away from us geographically? I am thankful for the road we were able to go through with these folks.
Ok, I sound WAY too deep for my own good. Let's just say I miss my buds and I'm glad we got to share some time at Cheddars with them! :)

1 comment:

  1. I loved spending the time with you at Cheddars and the dinner afer leaving the hospital a couple nights ago! Thank you (and James Council!) for coming and sitting with us and just taking our minds off of all that's been going on lately! It was so nice to just be among friends!
    Love ya friend!
